Payment Policy
Payment Policy
When you place an order with Paypal you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by logging in with your PayPal username and password. See as bellow:
You may still check out even without a PayPal account. To do so, please click on "Pay with Debit/Credit Card" and you’ll be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information or complete your payment safely via PayPal.
2.Credit/Debit Card
The cards we support: Visa, Master Card, AMEX, Union Pay,
Please see how to make your payment by Credit Card:
(1). After you choose Credit Card as your payment method on the payment method page, click "Complete Order " , then you will be led to a page requesting you to enter your card details.
(2).Enter your card number and other required information and follow the instruction on the screen to complete your payment.
(4) How to Know If Your Credit Card Is Still Active?
Note: After submit payment if it still can not paid successfully, please do better call your bank and ask them to permit your first time payment via our website. Only after the bank allow your payment then it can be done successfully!
Currency Exchange Rate Link:
1. Currency exchange rate link in English:
2.Currency exchange rate in Chinese :
3. Shop Pay Payment
To use Shop Pay, a customer goes through the following steps:
- Make an account at Shop Pay, if you already have one, skip this step.
- The customer adds items to their cart.
- The customer checks out using Shop Pay.